
The projects we are working on share a focus on high-precision measurements and advanced optical technologies, showcasing the laboratory’s expertise in handling diverse space missions. Despite their different scientific objectives, from communication and time synchronization to geophysical monitoring and astrophysical research, these projects collectively advance the frontiers of space technology and scientific discovery.

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The CHOMPTT mission demonstrated precise time transfer and synchronization using miniature optical communication transceivers, crucial for high timing accuracy across distributed satellite networks.

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The CLICK missions demonstrate advanced optical communication and precise ranging between CubeSats, enhancing data transfer capabilities in small spacecraft networks.

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The GRATTIS mission tests state-of-the-art gravitational reference sensors in space to monitor nanometer-scale gravitational changes for future climate change observatories.

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The LISA mission aims to detect and measure gravitational waves using a space-based laser interferometer, opening a new window into astrophysical phenomena.